3 Mart 2016 Perşembe


Many thanks Seyran for your wonderful Translation to Turkish
Many thanks Sophie (Evanescence Graphisme) for beautiful translate to Français

Many thanks Mieke Poelakker for beautiful Dutch translation

Many thanks Pinuccia  for your super translations to İtalic

Many thanks Katalin for Beautiful translations to  Hungarian 
 AnaRidzi1486 Women tube
 BallCanan png
 5 Deko DekoCanan
5 Selections Claire-Canan

 Alternatif link

Filter Unlimited2.0 - Freeware Filters - Needles Pins
Filter unlimited 2.0-Filter Factory Gallery E - Perforator1
 Filter Unlimited2.0 - DCspecial - Book
Simple - Zoom Out and Flip
  Simple - Pizza Slice Mirror
Toadies - What are you?
 AP Lines - SilverLining
 VM Extravaganza  - Holidays İn Egypte
 Mura's Filter Meister - Perspective Tiling
 Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow

This Tutorial Created with Psp x12
Before you began To The Lesson
Save the Selection in Selections in Psp
Then Open Tubes
and Mask İn Psp
You can change Blend Modes according your color
Lets Start

Foreground color #12173d
Background Color #304fce 

Make gradient with

Open transparent İmage with 900x550
Fill with your gradient
Adjust - Blur - Radial blur

Layers - Duplicate
İmage - Mirror
Lower Opacity this Layer 50 and Blend Mode to Multipy
Layers - Merge - Merge down
Layers - Duplicate
Effects - İmage Effects - Seamles Tiling

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen More
 Layers - New Raster Layer
Selections - Load / Save Selection Load Selection From Disk - Claire-Canan 1

Fill with Foreground color #12173d
Selections - Select None
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhange
Effects - Filter Unlimited2.0 - Freeware Filters - Needles Pins

Change Blend Mode this Layer Luminance Legacy
 Layers - New Raster Layer
Selections - Load / Save Selection Load Selection From Disk - Claire-Canan 2

Fill select with Foreground Color
 Selections - Select None
Effects -Filter unlimited 2.0-Filter Factory Gallery E - Perforator1

Layers - New Mask Layer - From İmage MASK-MD-116

Layers - Merge - Merge Group

 Layers - New Raster Layer
 Selections - Load / Save Selection Load Selection From Disk - Claire-Canan 2 again
Fill with Background Color
Selections - Select None
Effects - Plugins - Simple - Zoom Out and Flip
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhange

Effects - Plugins - Toadies - What are you?
 Effects - Plugins - WM Extravaganza  - Holidays İn Egypte
Selections - Load / Save Selection Load Selection From Disk - Claire-Canan-3
Layers - Promate Selection To Layer
Selections - Select None
Effects - Filter Unlimited2.0 - DCspecial - Book

Click to Layer Raster 3
Selections - Load / Save Selection Load Selection From Disk - Claire-Canan-4
Layers - Promate Selection To Layer
Selections - Select None
Effects - Plugins - AP Lines - SilverLining

Click to Top Layer 
Open DekoCanan1  Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer

 Open DekoCanan2 Edit - Copy
 Edit - Paste as New Layer
Layers - Merge - Merge All Flatten

Change Background Color to White #ffffff
Layers - Duplicate
Effects - Mura's Filter Meister - Perspective Tiling

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

Layers - New Raster Layer
Click Selection Tool
Costom Selection

Fill with White #ffffff
 Selections - Modify - Contract Selection 1 pixel
Fill foreground Color
Selections - Modify - Contract Selection 20 pixel
Change Background color to
Make same Gradient again

 Fill selection with this Gradient
Adjust - Blur - Gassian Blur 10

Open man tube LF-ManCat-14092013 
 Edit - Copy
Back your İmage
Edit - Paste into Selections
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow same Parametres
0 / 0 / 100 / 40 Black 
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen
Selections - Select None
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow same parametres
0 / 0 / 100 / 40 Black
Layers - Duplicate
İmage - Resize %60
Effects - İmage Effects - Seamles Tiling

Effects - İmage Effects - Ofset  310 / 8
Return to Raster1
Effects - Reflection Effects - Kaleidoscope


Open DekoCanan3  Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer
Effects - İmage Effect - Ofset -276 / 8

Effects - İmage Effects - Seamless Tiling same parametres

 (İf you need change Blend Mode as your color you used )
Layers - Merge - Merge All Flatten
Edit - Copy
 İmage - Add Borders - Symmetric Cheked 1 pixel White  Color #ffffff
Selections - Select All
İmage - Add Border - Symmetric Cheked 40 pixel
Fill with  Foreground Color #12173d
Selections - İnvert
Layers - New Raster Layer
Edit - Paste İnto Selection
İmage - Flip
Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur

Effects - Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow
Selections - İnvert
Effects - 3D Effects - DropShadow
Selections - Selection None
İmage - Add Border - Symmetric cheked 1 pixel white Color #ffffff
 Open DekoCanan4 Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer
Effects -İmage Effect - Ofset  187 / 0  
Open DekoCanan5 Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer
No Need to Move
Open BallCanan Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer
Effects -İmage Effect - Ofset  167 / -180
  Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact - Percpective Shadow 
 Open TextClaire-Canan1 Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer
Effects -İmage Effect - Ofset  294 / -206
Open TextPoem-Canan2 Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer
 No need to move
Open AnaRidzi1486 Women tube
 Edit -copy
Edit -Paste as new Layer
İmage - Mirror
İmage - Resize % 80
put it left look the Orginal İmage
Layers - Duplicate
click on orginal layer Raster6
Adjust - Blur - Gussian Blur - Radius 30
Effects - Simple - Pizza Slice Mirror

 Selections - Load / Save Selection Load Selection From Disk - Claire-Canan- 5
Edit - Cut or Delete from Keyboard
Selection - Select None

İf you need change Blend Mode to dodge
Click on top Layer (Copy of Raster6)
Adjust - Sharpen - Sharpness
İmage - Resize %90
Layers -Merge All Flatten
İmage - Resize 900 pixel

Add your Name
Save JPG

1 Mart 2016

This tutorial Written By Canan Kaya No to copy and shared on every web..

  Many thanks Seyran and Mieke for testing..
  Seyran Version1
  Seyran Version2
Mieke Poelakker

 Your Versions
  Sophie Evanescence

Katalin ( Kati Polner)




Erzsébet Bakondyné Ördögh

Terna Katalin
 Marja Doolaar
Rasta Marley
 Kata Kiss
Julie Zusslin 
Liliane Annick Quenault
Joseph Joss Merlin
Renee Salon
 Carine S
C0by Martijin
Marcsi Pable
Truus van den Oudenalder‎
Dany Dorey
Reyes Villadoniga
 Gülce Toprak1
 Gülce Toprak2
Marrie van den Brink
Martine Lecture33
Jean Soulages
Mehmet Kamil
Verba Eva
Inna Guseva
Nicole Calut
 Uschi B
Diana Berg
Jeanne Vd Eijnden
Müşerref Özdaş
Helma Murrer
Geertje Boele-Sollie
Marijke Van Rhoon


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