Many thanks Seyran for your wonderful translation to Turkish
Many thanks Sophie Evanescence Graphisme for beautiful translate to Français
Many thanks Katalin for Beautiful translations to Hungarian
Manzara From Web
Narah_0596_Woman_October2010 FOR COLORİZE İT
Dekoration Tubes
Deko Seyran 1
Deko Seyran 2
Text Seyran
Materials Dawnload
Muras Seamles - Mirror diagonal 75
Locas Software - Gel
Filter Unlimited 2.0 - Bkg Kaleidoscope - Flip SidesRsf
Filter Unlimited 2.0 - Bkg Kaleidoscope - 4 QFlip ZBottomL
AAA Frames - Frame Works
Muras Meister - Perspective Tiling 1.1
This Tutorial Created with Psp x15
Before Open psp Copy the Selection file in the Selections Folder of Psp
Open Mask and Tubes İn psp
You can change Blend Modes according your color
Let s Start
Foreground Color #1a0e0e
Background Color #77390f
Other colors White #ffffff

Muras Seamles - Mirror diagonal 75
Locas Software - Gel
Filter Unlimited 2.0 - Bkg Kaleidoscope - Flip SidesRsf
Filter Unlimited 2.0 - Bkg Kaleidoscope - 4 QFlip ZBottomL
AAA Frames - Frame Works
Muras Meister - Perspective Tiling 1.1
This Tutorial Created with Psp x15
Before Open psp Copy the Selection file in the Selections Folder of Psp
Open Mask and Tubes İn psp
You can change Blend Modes according your color
Let s Start
Foreground Color #1a0e0e
Background Color #77390f
Other colors White #ffffff

Open New Transparant İmage with 900x550
Selections - Select all
Open Narah_0596_Woman_October2010
"NOTE : İf you use another color Open narah women FOR COLORİZE İt
Colorize this tube for your color used
and Merge - Merge Down then"
Edit - Copy
Back for your Transparant new İmage
Edit - Paste into selection
Selections - Select None
Effects - Plugins - Muras Seamles - Mirror diagonal 75
Selections - Select all
Open Narah_0596_Woman_October2010
"NOTE : İf you use another color Open narah women FOR COLORİZE İt
Colorize this tube for your color used
and Merge - Merge Down then"
Edit - Copy
Back for your Transparant new İmage
Edit - Paste into selection
Selections - Select None
Effects - Plugins - Muras Seamles - Mirror diagonal 75
Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur
Layers - Duplicate
İmage - Flip
İmage - Mirror
Effects - 3D Effect Drop Shadow 1- 1 - 65- 1 Black
Layers - Merge - Merge All Flatten
Layers - Duplicate
İmage - Flip
İmage - Mirror
Effects - 3D Effect Drop Shadow 1- 1 - 65- 1 Black
Layers - Merge - Merge All Flatten
Layers - Duplicate
Adjust - Backligting Filter with this setting
Strenght 0 - Saturation 68
Layers - Duplicate
Adjust - Backligting Filter with this setting
Strenght 0 - Saturation 68
İmage - resize%90 (Resize all Layer NOT Cheked)
Effects - İmage Effect - Seamles Tiling (Last used)
Effects - Edge Effect - Enhange
Effects - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Bkg Kaleidoscope - Flip SidesRsf

Effects - İmage Effect - Seamles Tiling (Last used)
Effects - Edge Effect - Enhange
Effects - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Bkg Kaleidoscope - Flip SidesRsf

Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from disk - Seyran - Canan 1
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as new İmage
on this image
Effects - Distortion effect pixelate 20 - 20 Symmetric Cheked

Effects - Plugins - AAA Frames - Frame Works
change red green and blue to 255 and change dark and light 40 gold
Return to your work İmage
Effects - 3D Effect - Drop Shadow 0 - 0 - 65 - 47 with Background Color #77390f
Effects - Plugins - Filter Unlimited - Bkg Kaleidoscope - 4 QFlip ZBottomL
Change Blend mode to Multiply
Effects - Distortion Effect - Pixelate 20 - 20
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from disk - Seyran - Canan 2
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from disk - Seyran - Canan 2
Effects - 3D Effects Drop Shadow 0 - 0 - 65 - 47 Background Color same parametres
Selections - Select None
Effects - Geometrik Effect Skew Vertical and Transparent cheked Skew angle -26
Edit - Repeat Skew
Open Narah_mask_0785
Layers - New Raster Layer
change your Background color to White #ffffff
Fill with white #ffffff
Layers - New Mask Layer - from İmage - Narah_mask_0785 ( İnvert Mask Data not cheked)
Open Narah_mask_0785
Layers - New Raster Layer
change your Background color to White #ffffff
Fill with white #ffffff
Layers - New Mask Layer - from İmage - Narah_mask_0785 ( İnvert Mask Data not cheked)
Layers - Merge - Merge Group
Layer - Arrange - Move Down
On this Mask Layer
Effects - Geometric Effect - Perspective Horizontal
transparant cheked Distortion 74

Layers - Duplicate
Effects - Plugins - Muras Meister - Perspective Tiling 1.1 (Height 20)
Effects - Plugins - Muras Meister - Perspective Tiling 1.1 (Height 20)
Layers - Duplicate
İmage - Mirror
Layers - Merge - Merge Down
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen
Open Manzara From Web
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste aS New Layer
change Opacity this layer to 42
İmage - Mirror
Layers - Merge - Merge Down
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen
Open Manzara From Web
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste aS New Layer
change Opacity this layer to 42
Effects - Image Effect - Seamles Tiling (side by side) / Last Used
Effects - Distortion Effect - Lens Distortion
Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds (Foreground color)
Click to top Layer
Edit - Copy
Return to your first work image
Edit - Paste as new Layer
Return to your first work image
Edit - Paste as new Layer
on this Layer Raster 2
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from disk - Seyran - Canan 3
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from disk - Seyran - Canan 3
Selections Promote Select to Layer
Effects - Artistic Effect - Ball and Bubbles with this parametres
Effects - Artistic Effect - Ball and Bubbles with this parametres
Selections - Select None
Layers - Merge - Merge Down
Layers - Merge - Merge Down
Layers - Duplicate
İmage - Resize %50
Layers - Duplicate
İmage - Resize %50
No need to move or ofset repeat
Layers - Duplicate
İmage Resize %50
Effects - İmage effect - Offset H 150 - V -31 Custom and Transparent Cheked
Layers - Duplicate
İmage Resize %50
Effects - İmage effect - Offset H 150 - V -31 Custom and Transparent Cheked
Layers - Duplicate
İmage - Resize %70
Effects - İmage effect - Offset H 229 - V 216 Custom and Transparent Cheked
İmage - Resize %70
Effects - İmage effect - Offset H 229 - V 216 Custom and Transparent Cheked
Layers - Merge - Merge Down 2 times
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen
Effects - 3D Effect - Drop Shadow 1- 1 - 65 - 1 Black
İmage - Add Border 1 pixel with Foreground color Symmetric cheked
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen
Effects - 3D Effect - Drop Shadow 1- 1 - 65 - 1 Black
İmage - Add Border 1 pixel with Foreground color Symmetric cheked
Open Seyran Deko 1
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer
Effects - İmage Effect - Offset H 152 v 121 Custom and Transparent Cheked
Open Seyran Deko 1
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer
Effects - İmage Effect - Offset H 152 v 121 Custom and Transparent Cheked
İmage - Add Border top and Bottom 0 Left and Right 50 Symmetric Not cheked with white #ffffff
Open woman_188_bycrealine
Edit - Copy
back to your İmage
Edit - Paste as new Layer
İmage - Resize % 65
Effects - İmage Effect - Offset H -208 v -16 Custom and Transparent Cheked
Open woman_188_bycrealine
Edit - Copy
back to your İmage
Edit - Paste as new Layer
İmage - Resize % 65
Effects - İmage Effect - Offset H -208 v -16 Custom and Transparent Cheked
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen
Layers - Duplicate
Adjust - Blur - Gassian Blur 40
Layers - Arrange - Move Down
Change Blend Mode Screen or other mode as you Like
Layers - Duplicate
Adjust - Blur - Gassian Blur 40
Layers - Arrange - Move Down
Change Blend Mode Screen or other mode as you Like
İmage - Add Border top and Bottom 20 / Left and Right 0 Symmetric not cheked with white #ffffff
İmage - Add Border top and Bottom 20 / Left and Right 0 Symmetric not cheked with white #ffffff
Aktive Magic Wand Tool
and click to last Border tolerance and Feather 0
and click to last Border tolerance and Feather 0
Selections - İnvert
Layers - Promote selection to Layer
Selections - Select None
Layers - Duplicate
Click to Middle Layer
Layers - Promote selection to Layer
Selections - Select None
Layers - Duplicate
Click to Middle Layer
Effects - Geometric Effect - Skew with this parametres
Click to top Layer
Effects -3D Effect - Drop Shadow 0 - 0 - 65 - 47 Foreground Color #1a0e0e
Open Seyran text png
Edit - Copy
Edit Paste as New Layer
put it for the right your İmage
Layers - Duplicate
Click to Orginal Layer
Adjust - Blur - Gassian Blur 10
Change Blend Mode this Layer to Screen
Open Deko Seyran 2
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer
Effects - İmage Effect - Offset H 249 - V 191 Custom and Transparent Cheked

Effects -3D Effect - Drop Shadow 0 - 0 - 65 - 47 Foreground Color #1a0e0e
Open Seyran text png
Edit - Copy
Edit Paste as New Layer
put it for the right your İmage
Layers - Duplicate
Click to Orginal Layer
Adjust - Blur - Gassian Blur 10
Change Blend Mode this Layer to Screen
Open Deko Seyran 2
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer
Effects - İmage Effect - Offset H 249 - V 191 Custom and Transparent Cheked

Layers - Merge all Flatten
image - Resize 900 Resize All Layer cheked
Add your Name
Save JPG
image - Resize 900 Resize All Layer cheked
Add your Name
Save JPG
June - 2016
©Canan Psp Crea
©Canan Psp Crea
Onether Version
Riet Kruining
Erzsébet Bakondyné Ördögh
Jade dizayn
Mehmet Kamil
Kis Gizus
Teddy Paetzhold
Dany Dorey
Ria van Schaagen
Erzsébet Bakondyné Ördögh
Jade dizayn
Mehmet Kamil
Kis Gizus
Teddy Paetzhold
Dany Dorey
Ria van Schaagen
Coby Martijn
Ria Rieke Westerhout
Anna Ploeger
Geertje Boele-Sollie
Nadège Ainciart
Terna Katalin
Ria Rieke Westerhout
Anna Ploeger
Geertje Boele-Sollie
Nadège Ainciart
Terna Katalin
Helma Murrer