3 Şubat 2016 Çarşamba

Love Accident

This Tutorial Created with Psp x12 It can be done in other versions

Thankyou very much Sophie{Evanescence Graphisme}for your beautiful Translate to français

Many thanks {Mieke Poelakker} for beautiful Dutch translation


Sylvie Ervan Women tube
Women tube Web
Flower tube Web
Bird tube Web
Robert DiorHomme PNG7
 LoveAccident text Canan


Alternatif Link

Mura Pro - Seamless
Todiaes - Grey Removing BOOST
Simple - Pizza Slince Mirror

Mehdi - Weaver
Rorshack Filters - Ripleyer
Flaming Pearl - Flood
Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Simple - Diamond
Todiaes - What are you
MuRa's Meister - Copies
AAA Frames - Foto Frame 

 Before you began to The Lesson
Save the Selection in Selections in Psp
Then Open Tubes
and Mask İn Psp

You can change Blend Modes according your color

Foreground Color #cb5089
Background Color #ede5b7
Other Color #c3c79f

Let's Start
1-Open Transpant New İmage 900x600
2-Selections - Select All
3-Open Women tube Web 
4-Edit - Copy
5-Edit - Paste in to Selections
6-Selections - Selection None
7-Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur  {Radius 30

8-Layer - Duplicate
9-İmage - Mirror
10-Layers - Merge - Merge Visible {Merged Layer}


11-Layers - New Raster Layer
12-Fill with Foreground color #cb5089
13-Open mask Narah_Mask_0942
14-Layers - New Mask Layer From İmage
Source Luminance cheked İnvert mask data NOT cheked 
15-Layers - Merge - Merge Group {Group - Raster 1}
16-Effects - Plugins - Mura Pro - Seamless

17-Effects -
Plugins - Todiaes - Grey Removing BOOST
18-Effects -
Plugins - Simple - Pizza Slince Mirror 
Repead 2 Time
19-Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen
20-Layers - Duplicate {Copy of Group - Raster 1}
Change Blend Mode This Layer Luminance Legacy

 21-Layers - New Raster Layer 


22-Selections Load / Save Selection Load Selection From Disk LoveAccident-Canan-1

23-Fill with Background Color #ede5b7
 24-Selections - Selection None
25-Effects -
Plugins - Mehdi - Weaver


26-Effects - Plugins - Rorshack Filters - Ripleyer

Change Blend Mode this Layer Multiply

27-Layers - Duplicate
28-İmage - Mirror
29-Layers - Merge - Merge Down

30-Selections Load / Save Selection Load Selection From Disk LoveAccident-Canan-2

31-Layers - New Raster Layer
32-Fill with Other Color #c3c79f

Selections - Select None
33-Effects - İmage Effects - Seamles Tiling 

34-Edit - Repead Seamles Tiling
35-Adjust - Softness - Soften More
36-Effects - Distortion Effects - Polar Coordinates Rectangular to Polar and Repead cheked 

37-Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow 7 / 7 / 65 / 40.00

Change Opacity of this Layer To 50 if you used onother color you must play with opacity and blend mode
38-Effects -
Plugins - Flaming Pearl - Flood

Open Flower Tube Web
39-Edit - Copy
40-Edit - Paste as New Layer
41-Effects - İmage Effects - Ofset 83 / 79

42-Layers - Arrange - Move Down
Click To Top Layer_


 Open Bird tube Web
43-Edit - Copy
44-Edit - Paste as New Layer
45- İmage Resize % 20
46-İmage Effects Ofset 276 / 172

47-Layers - Duplicate
48-İmage Resize % 75

NO need to move
49-Layers - Merge - Merge Down
50-Layers - New Raster Layer
51-Selections Load / Save Selection Load Selection From Disk LoveAccident-Canan-3

52-Fill with Background color #ede5b7
53-Selections - Select None
54-Effects -
Plugins - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Simple - Diamond

Change Blend Mode this Layer Multipy and the Opacity to 15
if you used onother color you must play with opacity and blend mode
55-Layers - Duplicate
56-İmage - Mirror
57-Layers - Merge - Merge Down
58-Effects -
Plugins - Todiaes - What are you?  Xdose 55

59-Layers - Merge all {Flatten}

60-Window - Duplicate
61-Resize This Duplicate İmage % 30


62-Return back to Orginal İmage and Aktive it
63-Layers - Duplicate
64-İmage - Resize % 80
65-Selections - Select All
66-Selections - Float
67-Selections - Defloat
68-Selections - Modify - Select Selection Borders
İnside cheked- Border with 15 - Anti alias Cheked

69-Layers - New Raster Layer
70-Fill with Background Color #ede5b7
 71-Selections - Select None
Change Opacity 50
72-Layers - Merge - Merge Down
73-Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow same parametres 7 / 7 / 65 / 40.00


Click to Bottom Layer


74-Effects - Reflections Effect - Kaleidoscope

 Click to Top Layer
75-Effects -
Plugins - Flaming Pearl - Flood  Same Parametres 

Click top Layer and Back to your small İmage on STEP 61 
76-Selections - Select All
77-Selections - Modify - Select Selections Borders 
İnside cheked- 15 Anti alias cheked {same parametres}
78-Layers - New Raster Layer
79-Fill with Background Color 
80- Selections - Select None
Change Opacity 50
81-Layers - Merge Merge Down
82-Edit - Copy
Back to your Orginal İmage
83-Edit - Paste as New Layer


84-Effects - Plugins - MuRas Miester - Copies 

85-Effects - İmage Effects - Ofset  -80 /0

 Open your Sylvia Ervan Women tube 
87-Edit - Copy
88-Edit - Paste as New Layer
89-İmage - Mirror
Drag it left look the Orginal İmage
90-Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow 3/3/ 65/ 50 Color black


Open Rbert Dior Homme Png
91- Edit - Copy
92-Edit - Paste as New Layer

İmage Resize %60
Drag it Right your İmage
Change Opacity of this Layer 80

93-Effects - Plugins - Flaming Pearl - Flood  Same Parametres 
 94-Click Copy of Raster 1

95-Aktive Eraser Tool
{now must Clean the Light Border back side}
96-Layers - Merge - Merge All {Flatten}


Open Love Accident Text Canan 
97-Edit - Copy 
Drag it to right corner look the Orginal İmage

Layers Merge Merge all {Flatten}99-Effects - Plugins - AAA Frames - Foto Frame 15

100-Add your Name or Watermarkt
101-Save JPG

You're Done
Best Regardes
1 February 2016

please your versions here

This tutorial Written By Canan Kaya No to copy and shared on every web..

Onother versions

Many thanks to Tamer for Testing and his very beautiful version

Yours Version

Thankyou Rasta Marley
Thankyou Airi Ollila
Thankyou Maja Szűcs

Thankyou Kata Kiss

Thankyou Mieke Poelakker 
 Thankyou Clair
Thankyou Coby Martijn 
Teşekkür ederim Seyran version 1 
 Seyran version 2
Thankyou Helma Murrer

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