26 Nisan 2016 Salı


Many thanks Seyran for your wonderful translation to Turkish  

Many thanks Sophie Evanescence Graphisme for beautiful translate to Français 
Many thanks Pinuccia for your Great translations to İtalic

Many thanks Mieke Poelakker for beautiful Dutch translation

Many thanks Katalin for Beautiful translations to Hungarian 


babette - 010 - 15
 FlowerCanan png

Dekoration Tubes
 Deko 1 josette-Canan
Deko 2 josette-Canan
Deko 3 josette-Canan
 Deko 3 josette-Canan psd for colorize it
Deko 4 josette-Canan

 Josette Text-Canan
Josette Text Poem-Canan

Materials Dawnload
Alternatif Link

Simple - Quick Tile
 Simple - Blintz
Pixelate - Sector Mosaic
Penta.com - Color Dot
İt@lyan Editors Effect - Cornice
Muras Meister - Perspective Tiling
Dragon fly - Sinedot 2
Flaming Pear -SandWater - Aetherize
Mehdi - Seamless Border

This Tutorial Created with Psp x15
Before Open psp Copy the Selection file in the Selections Folder of Psp
Open Tubes İn psp

You can change Blend Modes according your color

Let s Start

Foreground Color #3b2623
Background Color #b49894
Other colors White #ffffff
Other Color #ae2a1d
Other Color #bab4d7

Make Gradient for your Foreground Color

 1-Open new Transparent İmage 900x500
2-Fill with Gradient 
3-Effects - Simple - Quick Tile 
4-Effects - Simple - Blintz 
5-Effects - Edge Effect - Enhange
Layers- Duplicate

6-Effects - Simple - Quick Tile
7- Selections - Load / Save Selection Load Selection From Disk Josette-Canan-1

Promote Selection to Layer
Selections - Select None

8-Effects - Pixelate - Sector Mosaic

9-Effects - İmage Effect - Seamless Tiling (Default)

10-Effects - Edge Effect - Enhange
 11-Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow 0 / 0 / 100 / 50 Black
Click the Bottom Layer

12-Selections - Load / Save Selection Load Selection From Disk Josette-Canan-2

Promote Selection to Layer

Layers - Arrange - Bring To Top
Selections -  Select None

13- Effects - Penta.com - Color Dot 

14- Effects - İmage Effect - Seamless Tiling Same Setting (Default)

15- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow 0 / 0 / 100 / 50 Black
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

Change Background Color To White 
Layers - New Raster Layer
16- Selections - Load / Save Selection Load Selection From Disk Josette-Canan-3

Fill with White
Selections - Select None
17- Effects - İt@lyan Editors Effect - Cornice (change it as your color)


18- Open Deko 1 josette-Canan
Edit - Copy 
 Back to your İmage
Edit - Paste as New Layer
 No need to move

19- Open Deko 2 josette-Canan
Edit - Copy
Back to your İmage
Edit - Paste as New Layer
Click Magic Wand tool and click in the middle of this tube to be Selected

20- Open FlowerCanan png
 Edit - Copy
21- Layers - New Raster Layer
Edit - paste into Selections
Selections - Select None

22- Layers - Duplicate
Change Blendmode this Layer to Dissolve
Layers - Arrange - Move Down (Change Opacity if you need)

Click Top Layer
Layers - Merge - Merge Down
Edit - Repeat Merge Merge down

23- Effects - İmage Effects - Offset  -290 / 0  Custom and Transparent cheked

Layers - Duplicate
İmage - Resize%70 (Resize all Layer Not Cheked)
İmage - Mirror

24- Effects - İmage Effect - Offset -497 / -124  Custom and Transparent cheked
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow 0 / 0 / 100 / 50 Foreground color
Layers - Arrange - Move Down 
 Click Top Layer
Layers - Merge - Merge Down

25- Layers - Duplicate Again
26- Effects - Distortion Effect - Wind - From Right - Wind Strenght 100
Layers - Arrange Move Down

Click Top Layer
Layers - Merge - Merge down

27- Close a little eye for Flower and Layers Raster 3 Merge vesible

28- Layers - Duplicate
Open the little eye with click on
Aktive middle Layer

29- Effects - Muras Meister - Perspective Tiling

Adjust - Shanrpness - Sharpen
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow 0 / 0 / 100 / 50 Foreground color

Click Top Layer

30 -Open FlowerCanan png Again
 Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer
Change blendmode Luminance Legacy and Opacity to 50
No need to MOVE

31- Layers - New Raster Layer
Effects - Dragon fly - Sinedot 2

Change Opacity to 60

32- Open
Deko 3 josette-Canan
 Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer
Effects - İmage Effect - Ofset -178 / -28 Custom and Transparent cheked

(colorize it if you need)

NOTE  İf you Need to colorize it use tube in the material (Deko 3 josette-Canan psd for colorize it) and after colorize it must do this step
Effects - Alien Skin Eye Candy İmpact -  Glass - Clear
33- Layers - Duplicate
Effects - İmage Effect - Ofset -225 / 55 Custom and Transparent cheked

34- Open Deko 4 josette-Canan
" I put this tube ready to fill or colorize .. before you use it  you fill with your color or colorize it then
 Merge - Merge Down TO USE İT
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer
Effects - İmage Effects - Ofset  247 / 63 Custom and transparent Cheked


35- Open Tube Babette -010-15
Edit - Copy 
Edit - Paste as New Layer
İmage - Resize %50
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen
Effects - İmage Effect Offset 172 / -8  Costum and Transparent Cheked 

Effects - 3D Effects Drop Shadow same setting AS BEFORE

36- Click Bottom Layer 
Edit - Copy
37- Add Borders 1 pixel Foreground color #3b2623
Add Borders 2 pixel #bab4d7
Add Borders 1 pixel Foreground color #3b2623
Add Borders 8 pixel with White Color #ffffff

38- Add Borders 1 pixel Foreground color #3b2623
Add Borders 30 pixel White color #ffffff

39- Aktive Magic wand Tool Mode : Add Shift / Match Mode : Color / Tolerance and Feather 0
and Click to last Border
Layers - New Raster Layer
Edit - Paste into Selection İmage still on memory

40- İmage - Mirror
İmage - Flip
41- Effects - Flaming Pear - SandWater - Aetherize

42- Effects - Mehdi - Seamless Border

"Change Blendmode this Layer İf you need after select none"..

43- Selections - İnvert

Effects - 3D Effects Drop Shadow same setting AS BEFORE
 Selections - Select None

44- Add borders 1 pixel Foregroundcolor #3b2623
Add borders 2 pixel other color  #bab4d7
Add border 1 pixel Foreground color #3b2623 

45- Open
Josette Text-Canan
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste as New Layer Put it to the right for your image

46- İmage - Resize 900 pixel

47- Open
Josette Text Poem-Canan
Edit - Copy
Edit - Paste As New Layer
No need to move

48- Add your name or watermarkt
49- Layers - Merge - Merge all (Flatten)
50- Save JPG

April - 2016
©Canan Psp Crea

Other Versions

Many thanks Mieke for testing and translations

Your Versions
 Erzsike Szél
Marijke Van Rhoon
 Erzsébet Bakondyné Ördögh
Kata Kiss
Mehmet Kamil

Baranyi Pálné Erzsike
Marja Doolaar
Bijounet "Edith Taburiaux"
Marika Horvath Vésziné
Coby Martijn‎
Teddy Paetzhold
Dany Dorey
Terna Katalin
Kis Gizus
Réalisations TutosPsp
Helma Murrer
Uschi B.
Verba Éva
Joseph Joss Merlin
Célia Cristina Wanderley
 Isy Reynolds